Easy way to get a personal best every time you train, do something you've never done before

Gym Equipment

At Kernow Strength & Conditioning, we are known for using a wide range of techniques, training methods to reach your true potential. When it comes to achieving results, we only use the things that work. These include:

concept 2 rowersConcept 2 rowing machines..

rubber-dumbbellsRubber dumbbells

These start at 2.5kg and go up in 2.25kg increments all the way up to 50kg. We also have a set of 60kg and 70kg dumbbells.

medicine slam wall ballsFitness balls. Medicine balls slam balls and wall balls

These are in different weights and are awesome for bringing variation to your workouts.

angle-benches5 Adjustable angle benches

Ideal for a variety of exercises.

lat pulldownLat pull down

Use this machine to help achieve the athletic triangular body shape. Great machine that targets all you’re important back muscles.

lug curl leg extensionLegs extension/ Leg curl machine

This isolates the muscles on the front and back of the legs, fundamental for developing good toned legs.

cable cros overHeight adjustable Cable crossover

So many variations of exercise can be performed on this machine, arms, chest, shoulders, back abs, and legs every body part will benefit from using this.

power-racks4 Multi purpose power racks

Each rack has safety spotter arms as well as safety fail straps and an adjustable bench. So many exercises can be performed safely in these racks ranging from squats, bench press, shoulder press, shrugs, bent over rows and deadlifts. No bicep curling in the power racks!

bench pressCompetition Bench press

Great piece of kit to help develop your chest, the competition bench has adjustable safety spotter arms.

reverse hyper extensionReverse hyperextension

Unique piece of kit. Good for developing the glutes hamstrings and lower back.

glute ham raise machineGHD (Glute Ham Developer)

Unique piece of kit good for developing the hamstrings, and glutes.

prowler sled kettle bellsTurf

Centre piece of Kernow Strength & Conditioning. Any functional exercise can be performed on here ranging from warm up mobility work to pushing the prowler sleds and using the sliders

tractor-tyreTractor Tyres

Ranging in size and weight ideal for adding functional movement to your training routine.

resistance bandsResistance Bands

Can be used in a variety of ways from stretching to adding extra resistance to your lifts in the bench, squat and deadlift.

lifting-platforms5 Lifting Platforms

Non-slip platforms with Rubber flooring can be used for any exercise from squats to Olympic lifting.

gymnastic ringsGymnastic Rings & Climbing Rope

More functional training can be done on these.

Battle RopesBattle ropes

Ideal for increasing cardio endurance as well as building core strength.

plyometric-boxesPlyometric Boxes

Variety of functional exercises can be performed on these.

pull-up-barPull-up Bars

olympic rubber bumper platesRubber Olympic Bumper Plates

Can be used for any exercise. Designed to be dropped ideal for Olympic lifting.

metal-olympic-platesMetal Olympic Plates

Can be used for any exercise.

olympic barsOlympic Barbells

We have a huge range in barbells including specific bars for ladies, Olympic lifters and powerlifters.

boxing-mitts-padsBoxing Mitts & pads

Great for improving cardio vascular endurance.